Author Archive: Lorenzo Corsini
Seminar on “Migration processes in Poland against the background of The European Union” – Dr. Monika Grabowska – 15th of May
We are glad to host Dr. Monika Grabowska from Wroclaw University of Economics for a the seminar on “Migration processes in Poland against the background of The European Union” The seminar will take place on 15th of May at 10.30 in the computer room on the last floor of the […]
Jean Monnet Seminar on “La Gestione del Debito Pubblico” – Dr. Cecilia Gabbriellini – 24th of March
We are glad to host Dr. Cecilia Gabbriellini, for a Jean Monnet Seminar on “La Gestione del Debito Pubblico” The lecture will take place on the 24th of March at 12.15 at the Aula 5 of Dipartimento di Economia e Management – Via Ridolfi, 10 Pisa
Public Economics for European Union starts on 1st of March 2017!
We are glad to annouce that The course on Public Economics for European Union starts, for the current accademic year, on the 1st of March 2017. This is the third year we provide the course.
Meeting on Sussidiarietà e… politiche industriali – Rapporto sulla sussidiarietà 2015/2016, 19th of May
We are glad to host on the 19th of May 2016 at 14.45, at the Dipartimento di Economia e Management Aula 4, Via C. Ridolfi 10, Pisa a meeting on: “Sussidiarietà e… politiche industriali – Rapporto sulla sussidiarietà 2015/2016” Speaker: Gianmaria Martini, Professore ordinario di Economia Politica, Università degli Studi di Bergamo Discussant: Silvio Bianchi […]
Jean Monnet Lecture on “Workplace Employee Representation in Europe” – Prof. Alex Bryson- 13th of April
We are glad to host Prof. Alex Bryson from University College London for a Jean Monnet Lecture on “Workplace Employee Representation in Europe” The lecture will take place on the 13th of April at 14.30 at the Aula Magna of Dipartimento di Economia e Management – Via Ridolfi, 10 Pisa
Jean Monnet Lecture on “Pension Reform and Risk Management” – Prof. Jean Hindriks
We are glad to host Prof. Jean Hindriks for a Jean Monnet Lecture on “Pension Reform and Risk Management” The lecture will take on the 19th of February at 14.30 at Aula Europa del Dipartimento di Economia e Management – Via Ridolfi, 10 Pisa
Meeting on “Sussidiarietà e… spesa pubblica – Rapporto sulla sussidiarietà 2014/2015”
We are glad to host on the 19th of May 2015 at 14.45, at the Dipartimento di Economia e Management Aula 4, Via C. Ridolfi 10, Pisa a meeting on: “Sussidiarietà e… spesa pubblica – Rapporto sulla sussidiarietà 2014/2015” Speaker: Gianmaria Martini, Professore ordinario di Economia Politica, Università degli Studi di Bergamo Discussant: Luca […]
The course has started!
Today the course starts, do not miss the first lecture!